At KAEFER UK & Ireland, we have four core enablers which are important to us: People, Process, Customer, and Brand.

These enablers support us to be the most reliable and efficient provider of technical industrial services.

Health, Safety, Environment and Quality wrap around everything we do: we will be best in class, delivering a safer, more environmentally friendly world.

When it counts, count on us. 


Our people are our lifeforce.

At KAEFER UK & Ireland, our people are our greatest asset. Our success is our colleagues success and we are committed to providing opportunities to grow and develop.

We believe in building strong teams by implementing common processes and best practices, helping us to serve our customers better.

We strive to create an atmosphere where our employees feel valued, respected, and heard. We encourage creativity and innovation, by fostering a culture of continuous learning and development we are able to attract and retain the best talent in the industry.

Our people-first approach enables us to build strong relationships with our customers. Being agile and innovative means we provide excellent customer experiences. Working closely with customers and understanding their needs helps us to exceed expectations and build long-lasting partnerships.


Adding values for clients.

At KAEFER, we understand that efficient processes are the foundation of successful projects. Our process enabler, supported by our LEAN, Digitalisation, and Innovation teams, creates additional value for our clients.

LEAN means constantly improving our processes and reducing waste to ensure that every project runs like a well-oiled machine. We’re committed to implementing LEAN principles across all aspects of our work. Our focus is on achieving “True North,” which means getting things right the first time and delivering maximum value to our clients and teams.

At the heart of our LEAN philosophy is Site Management. We strive to ensure that all materials are available in the right place, at the right time, in the right quantity and quality. We don’t believe in reinventing the wheel – instead, we build upon proven concepts to create a seamless project experience. Our dedication to LEAN principles means that we are constantly seeking ways to optimise our processes, reduce waste, and improve efficiency.

Our LEAN journey is an ongoing process of continuous improvement. By embodying LEAN principles, we aim to create maximum value for our clients, ensuring that every step of a project runs smoothly and efficiently.


Customer experience is our top priority.

At KAEFER UK & Ireland we place a strong emphasis on our customers. We believe that by putting the needs of our customers first, we can provide a better overall experience.

We talk to customers to gain a better understanding of what our customers want and need. Allowing us to tailor our services to better meet those needs, resulting in a more value for customers.

We focus on developing relationships with existing customers long term. By offering personalised attention and support, we can build stronger relationships providing a higher level of service.

By collaboration with our customers we deliver shared objectives, best practice and innovation. Building strong, long-lasting relationships that benefit everyone involved is always our goal.

When it counts, customers can count on us.


Count on us.

Our KAEFER brand is our identity and what we stand for: its consistency comes from our people, what we say, and what we do. 

As we grow our business we are committed to be safe, sustainable and profitable for the long term, always considering the impact of our work, ensuring we accommodate the needs of our stakeholders and local communities. 

KAE­FER’s com­pre­hens­ive Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) strategy defines our sus­tain­ab­il­ity vis­ion, sets out KPIs and tar­gets, and drives ini­ti­at­ives which make a dif­fer­ence. En­sur­ing that sus­tain­ab­il­ity is part of man­age­ment as well as op­er­a­tional pro­cesses, an ESG-based ap­proach makes it pos­sible for us to ex­ceed ap­plic­able stand­ards, achieve com­mer­cial suc­cess, and pur­sue mean­ing­ful en­vir­on­mental, so­cial and eth­ical im­prove­ments.

We endeavour to be a leader in equality, diversity, and inclusion. We are a company that is focused on doing the right thing. We are a company you can count on.


Ensuring safety, health, the environment, and quality for a better tomorrow.

At KAEFER UK & Ireland, we believe in setting very high standards and continuously striving to exceed them.

HSEQ is a shared responsibility, and we work closely with our HSEQ excellence network and colleagues globally to continuously improve our local and global programs. Our goal is to proactively minimize risks and optimize processes to bring about continuous improvements for the benefit of everyone we work with, our environment, and the quality of all our projects. From our employees on site and in the offices to the members of the executive board, health, safety, the environment, and quality are always at the forefront of our minds.

We are dedicated to making a positive impact in everything we do. Our focus on HSEQ is just one example of our commitment to being a responsible and reliable industrial services supplier. Join us in our mission to set the highest standards and exceed them, every day.