A Dream Place­ment at KAEFER | KAEFER UK & Ireland
The KAEFER team in Cum­bria will be wel­com­ing two ‘Dream Place­ments’ dur­ing the Feb­ru­ary half term hol­i­days.
KAEFER, KAEFER UK & Ireland, KAEFER UK and Ireland, Cumbria, Dream Placement, Centre for Leadership Performance, social impact, careers, entry level careers, leadership,
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A Dream Place­ment at KAEFER

A Dream Place­ment at KAEFER

The KAEFER team in Cum­bria will be wel­com­ing two ‘Dream Place­ments’ dur­ing the Feb­ru­ary half term hol­i­days.

A Dream Placement at KAEFER

The KAEFER team in Cum­bria will be wel­com­ing two ‘Dream Place­ments’ dur­ing the Feb­ru­ary half term hol­i­days.

Dream Place­ment is Cum­bri­a’s unique lead­er­ship and busi­ness ex­per­i­ence pro­gramme or­gan­ised by the Centre for Lead­er­ship Per­form­ance in col­lab­or­a­tion with busi­nesses and schools and col­leges across the county.

More than 60 teen­agers are set for po­ten­tially life-chan­ging Dream Place­ments over the Feb­ru­ary 2022 half-term break after im­press­ing in­ter­view­ers from host com­pan­ies at the Se­lec­tion Day event in Decem­ber.

A re­cord 38 com­pan­ies, in­clud­ing KAEFER, joined al­most 100 mo­tiv­ated and am­bi­tious 16–18-year-olds in busi­ness prob­lem solv­ing and net­work­ing activ­it­ies, be­fore the in­ter­views both face-to-face and on-line which res­ul­ted in the highest ever num­ber of teen­agers be­ing se­lec­ted.

KAEFER welcomes Dream Placements

Eliza­beth Atkin­son, So­cial Im­pact Man­ager Cum­bria – KAEFER, said: “I’m de­lighted that we are tak­ing part in the Dream Place­ment for the first time. The scheme helps stu­dent pre­pare for their fu­ture ca­reers and gives them the op­por­tun­ity to gain know­ledge of the di­verse range of in­dus­tries and ca­reer op­tions avail­able. Be­ing part of the scheme en­ables us to work with young people of a high cal­ibre that we need to at­tract to our busi­ness to take us for­ward in the fu­ture . We were im­pressed by the com­mit­ment and en­thu­si­asm of the can­did­ates and the stand­ard was so high we de­cided to of­fer an ad­di­tional place.  The stu­dents will join us at our West Lakes Of­fices for a week place­ment in Feb­ru­ary, dur­ing which they will get to meet a wide range of staff and work on tasks along­side our com­mer­cial and op­er­a­tions teams, gain­ing an un­der­stand­ing of how our busi­ness and pro­jects work.”

Spe­cial train­ing ses­sions have also been tak­ing place with host com­pan­ies to help them or­gan­ise mean­ing­ful place­ments and get the best out of their stu­dents.

Sarah Glass adds: “Dream Place­ment would not ex­ist without our part­ners within the county’s busi­ness com­munity who re­cog­nise the need to con­nect with young people and have demon­strated the value they place upon it by their out­stand­ing sup­port.”

Dream Place­ment 2022 will of­fer a blend of face-to-face en­coun­ters and vir­tual on­line en­gage­ment, build­ing on the feed­back from hosts and stu­dents be­fore and dur­ing the COVID crisis. On­line activ­ity in 2021 ex­pan­ded the op­por­tun­it­ies offered by the pro­gramme but there was un­an­im­ous agree­ment on a re­turn to face-to-face en­gage­ment, with ap­pro­pri­ate COVID-safe meas­ures in place.

More than 2,000 young people have so far been in­volved with this unique Cum­brian de­vel­op­ment pro­gramme which is fun­ded by busi­nesses com­mit­ted to in­vest­ing in the county’s young people.

Dream Place­ment was co-cre­ated with busi­nesses and edu­cat­ors nine years ago to ad­dress the brain drain out of Cum­bria and to help young people see the breadth of amaz­ing op­por­tun­it­ies across the County.   The scheme is all about lead­er­ship, so vi­tal ele­ments are help­ing young people to build con­fid­ence and self-be­lief and de­velop key lead­er­ship skills.

Teen­agers learn about ca­reer op­por­tun­it­ies and in­ter­act with lead­ers within com­pan­ies op­er­at­ing in Cum­bria, while bosses con­nect dir­ectly with their fu­ture work­force, to dis­cover their dreams and am­bi­tions.

Ap­plic­ants also be­ne­fit from en­ga­ging with other young people and with busi­ness lead­ers through Cum­bria Fu­ture Lead­ers. The act­ive youth net­work now in­volves al­most 1000 young people con­nect­ing and broker­ing links with em­ploy­ers and other groups for dia­logue and dis­cus­sions. To find out more visit www.dreamplacement.org.uk