Dream Place­ments with KAE­FER's Cum­bria Team | KAEFER UK & Ireland
During the February half term KAEFER UK & Ireland was one of almost 40 employers offering motivated and ambitious young people across Cumbria opportunities to learn about leadership and careers within the county through Dream Placement 2022, a scheme organized by the Centre for Leadership Performance.
Dream placement, Sellafield, West Cumbria, Cumbria, work experience, ESG, sustainability, employment, social impact, employability, kaefer, kaefer uk & ireland, kaefer uk and ireland, industrial services,
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Dream Place­ments with KAE­FER’s Cum­bria Team

Dream Place­ments with KAE­FER’s Cum­bria Team

During the February half term KAEFER UK & Ireland was one of almost 40 employers offering motivated and ambitious young people across Cumbria opportunities to learn about leadership and careers within the county through Dream Placement 2022, a scheme organized by the Centre for Leadership Performance.

“This was our first year of be­ing part of the Dream Place­ment scheme,” ex­plained Eliza­beth Atkin­son, So­cial Im­pact Man­ager at KAE­FER’s Cum­bria site which ser­vices mul­tiple cli­ents within West Cum­bria. “We were de­lighted to wel­come two stu­dents through the scheme, Luke who is a year 12 stu­dent at Nel­son Thom­lin­son School at Wig­ton and Mor­gan a year 13 stu­dent at Keswick School.”

Can­did­ates were ini­tially se­lec­ted an­onym­ously, based on their per­sonal goals and as­pir­a­tions then via face-to-face in­ter­views. “The Dream Place­ment is not a stand­ard work ex­per­i­ence op­por­tun­ity,” ex­plained Dar­ren New, Gen­eral Man­ager at KAE­FER’s Cum­bria Site. “The pro­gramme is well-de­veloped and struc­tured al­low­ing us to be in­volved at a very early stage in se­lect­ing the can­did­ates who we be­lieved would get the most from their KAEFER ex­per­i­ence. From my own per­sonal in­ter­ac­tion with the place­ments it was evid­ent this pro­cess was suc­cess­ful, worth­while and en­joy­able for both Luke and Mor­gan as well as the KAEFER Team.”

Dur­ing the week both Luke and Mor­gan had a vari­ety of tasks to get to grips with. Monday star­ted with both stu­dents at KAE­FER’s West Lakes of­fice get­ting the op­por­tun­ity to speak to KAEFER HR Dir­ector Laura Bowes. “Laura talked them through her own ca­reer jour­ney and gave them some ex­cel­lent tips and ad­vice about mak­ing the most of their week with us.,” ex­plained Eliza­beth.

On the Tues­day the stu­dents were taken on an of­fi­cial tour of the Sel­lafield site, giv­ing them an in­sight into the work that hap­pens on the Sel­lafield site and the scale of op­er­a­tions there.

Luke’s week was then split between the KAEFER West­lakes of­fice and vir­tual meet­ings with man­age­ment, where he learnt about how a com­mer­cial de­part­ment op­er­ates and all the roles within it. “Luke talked to ap­pren­tices and gradu­ates about their ca­reers and dis­cussed the pro and cons of their chosen ca­reer routes,” said Eliza­beth.

Mor­gan spent the rest of his place­ment on site get­ting a first-hand ex­per­i­ence of Pro­ject Man­age­ment work­ing along­side ex­per­i­enced KAEFER Pro­ject Man­agers (Gary Chand­ler & Jonny Hirst) along with Op­er­a­tions Man­ager Steve Simm. “Mor­gan vis­ited pro­jects, took part in meet­ings and gained back­ground into the pro­ject man­age­ment li­fe­cycle.

The week con­cluded with the stu­dents giv­ing a present­a­tion about their ex­per­i­ence to Dar­ren, Eliza­beth and Paul Hoyle, Di­vi­sional Dir­ector.

Having a placement with a company like KAEFER gives you the experience of what it is like working in a big organisation while feeling like part of a family. It was great to have the experience of seeing what is involved in project management and understanding the processes.
Mor­gan, Year 13 stu­dent at Keswick School

“I had a great time on Dream Place­ment at KAEFER,” said Luke. “I learnt about the vari­ous job roles and op­por­tun­it­ies I did­n’t know about be­fore­hand. It was in­ter­est­ing to visit Sel­lafield site and get an un­der­stand­ing about the work KAEFER carry out on site and all of the fin­an­cial as­pects in­volved. Par­ti­cip­at­ing in the place­ment greatly im­proved my con­fid­ence and offered me ex­per­i­ence in a pro­fes­sional en­vir­on­ment open­ing my eyes to the wealth of op­por­tun­it­ies on of­fer when I leave school.”