First crit­ical build­ing re­lease for Hinkley Point C | KAEFER UK & Ireland
KAEFER has achieved a pro­ject first for Hinkley Point C by ap­ply­ing spe­cial­ist pro­tect­ive coat­ings to an elec­trical room on site.
KAEFER, KAEFER UK & Ireland, KAEFER UK and Ireland, Industrial Services, protective coatings, HPC, Hinkley Point C, Nuclear Power, Power Station,
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First crit­ical build­ing re­lease for Hinkley Point C

First crit­ical build­ing re­lease for Hinkley Point C

KAEFER has achieved a pro­ject first for Hinkley Point C by ap­ply­ing spe­cial­ist pro­tect­ive coat­ings to an elec­trical room on site.

The work, com­pleted on be­half of cli­ent Bylor, al­lows the room to be re­leased to the MEH Al­li­ance to man­age the elec­trical equip­ment in­stall­a­tion.

The elec­trical room re­lease is a key ele­ment in sup­port­ing Bylor to achieve the U1 dome lift mile­stone, fol­low­ing on from KAE­FER’s work on the con­tain­ment liner.

The coat­ings sys­tem used in the fa­cil­ity in­cluded a three-com­pon­ent, solvent-free, self-lev­el­ling epoxy floor coat­ing, and a one-com­pon­ent, wa­ter­borne ac­rylic primer/​fin­isher, both spe­cific­ally ap­proved for nuc­lear in­dustry. The products were used over ap­prox­im­ately 900m2 and took a team of team of 12 KAEFER em­ploy­ees, sup­por­ted by Bylor, work­ing solidly for four weeks to make sure the cru­cial mile­stone was met.

We're delighted to have completed the application and to formally be able to hand over the first critical building to the MEH Alliance. To get to this stage we have closely collaborated with our suppliers, and our client Bylor, to ensure that the nuclear specification, safety and quality requirements were delivered.

Tim Walker, Divisional Director for KAEFER UK & Ireland

“KAEFER is com­mit­ted to sup­port­ing the net zero eco­nomy and our mis­sion is to be the most re­li­able and ef­fi­cient pro­vider of tech­nical in­dus­trial ser­vices, it’s im­port­ant that we de­liver con­tinu­ous im­prove­ment at Hinkley Point C to help se­cure the fu­ture for nuc­lear new build pro­jects” said Tre­vor Wood­ward, Busi­ness & Strategy Dir­ector.