KAEFER in Ire­land se­cure main­ten­ance con­tract ex­ten­sion with Ver­mil­lion for Bel­lana­boy Bridge gas ter­minal | KAEFER UK & Ireland
KAEFER has fur­ther strengthened its re­la­tion­ship with Ver­mil­ion En­ergy by se­cur­ing a con­tract ex­ten­sion to de­liver en­gin­eer­ing and main­ten­ance sup­port ser­vices to the Bel­lana­boy Bridge gas ter­minal, Ire­land.
KAEFER, KAEFER UK & Ireland, KAEFER UK and Ireland, Industrial Services, KAEFER Group, Vermillion, Bellanaboy Bridge, Gas terminal, Ireland, Energy, Equinor, Nephin energy, corrib gas plant
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KAEFER in Ire­land se­cure main­ten­ance con­tract ex­ten­sion with Ver­mil­lion for Bel­lana­boy Bridge gas ter­minal

KAEFER in Ire­land se­cure main­ten­ance con­tract ex­ten­sion with Ver­mil­lion for Bel­lana­boy Bridge gas ter­minal

KAEFER has fur­ther strengthened its re­la­tion­ship with Ver­mil­ion En­ergy by se­cur­ing a con­tract ex­ten­sion to de­liver en­gin­eer­ing and main­ten­ance sup­port ser­vices to the Bel­lana­boy Bridge gas ter­minal, Ire­land.

KAEFER has fur­ther strengthened its re­la­tion­ship with Ver­mil­ion En­ergy by se­cur­ing a con­tract ex­ten­sion to de­liver en­gin­eer­ing and main­ten­ance sup­port ser­vices to the Bel­lana­boy Bridge gas ter­minal, Ire­land.

We are pleased to con­tinue our strong part­ner­ship with Ver­mil­ion En­ergy. We re­gard the award as a solid re­cog­ni­tion from Ver­mil­ion for our ap­proach and work, as well as the good in­ter­ac­tion and look for­ward to provid­ing con­tin­ued sup­port that will en­sure safe and suc­cess­ful op­er­a­tions.

David O'Leary, Operations Director for KAEFER in Ireland

The agree­ment will run for two ad­di­tional years to 2023. The work will be de­livered by KAE­FER’s Ire­land – Mayo based on­shore teams, with sup­port from the KAEFER Ire­land busi­ness.

Press con­tacts:

Tre­vor Wood­ward, Dir­ector Busi­ness & Strategy – Trevor.woodward@kaefer.com
Ju­lia Kas­parek, Mar­ket­ing & Com­mu­nic­a­tion Man­ager – Julia.Kasparek@kaefer.com


KAEFER in the UK & Ire­land serves a large and grow­ing range of in­dus­tries with as­set in­teg­rity ser­vices. These ser­vices in­clude ac­cess solu­tions, in­su­la­tion, in­spec­tion & test­ing, pro­tect­ive coat­ings, as­bes­tos man­age­ment and more – gen­er­at­ing an an­nual turnover of c.£250 Mil­lion. The com­pany cur­rently has 9 op­er­at­ing centres across the UK and Ire­land, em­ploy­ing ap­prox­im­ately 3,000 highly skilled and ex­per­i­enced people. Fur­ther in­form­a­tion can be found at www.KAE­FER­Ltd.co.uk