KAEFER in the UK se­cures ma­jor duct­work fab­ric­a­tion con­tract for Hinkley Point C with NNB GenCo (EDF En­ergy) | KAEFER UK & Ireland
KAEFER has fur­ther strengthened their po­s­i­tion as a lead­ing pro­vider of fab­ric­ated in­dus­trial duct­work with the re­cent con­tract award to sup­ply wel­ded steel duct­work to the new nuc­lear power sta­tion at Hinkley Point “C”.
KAEFER, KAEFER UK & Ireland, KAEFER UK and Ireland, Industrial Services, KAEFER Group, ductwork, nuclear, metal fabrication, hinkley point c, hpc
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KAEFER in the UK se­cures ma­jor duct­work fab­ric­a­tion con­tract for Hinkley Point C with NNB GenCo (EDF En­ergy)

KAEFER in the UK se­cures ma­jor duct­work fab­ric­a­tion con­tract for Hinkley Point C with NNB GenCo (EDF En­ergy)

KAEFER has fur­ther strengthened their po­s­i­tion as a lead­ing pro­vider of fab­ric­ated in­dus­trial duct­work with the re­cent con­tract award to sup­ply wel­ded steel duct­work to the new nuc­lear power sta­tion at Hinkley Point “C”.

KAEFER has entered into a long-term pro­gram with EDF (NNB GenCo) to de­liver spe­cial­ist steel duct­work sec­tions to the Hinkley Point “C” site for the nuc­lear is­land con­struc­tion for units 1 & 2. The duct­work will be fab­ric­ated at KAE­FER’s Jar­row man­u­fac­tur­ing fa­cil­ity in the North East of Eng­land provid­ing a huge boost for the local eco­nomy with over 40 skilled jobs, new ap­pren­tice­ships, and con­tracts for sup­port­ing activ­it­ies with the local sup­ply chain.

Tre­vor Wood­ward, Dir­ector for Busi­ness & Strategy for KAEFER UK & Ire­land com­men­ted “We are de­lighted to have signed this con­tract for the sup­ply of nuc­lear duct­work with NNB GenCo. Due to the scale and com­plex­ity of this pro­ject, this has been a col­lab­or­at­ive jour­ney with our cus­tomer over a num­ber of years to get to this po­s­i­tion, in con­tract and ready to sup­ply. I’m really proud of the team that has got us to this point and we have a great found­a­tion now to keep work­ing to­gether to meet the pro­ject de­liv­ery mile­stones ahead. This is long term, tech­nical, high qual­ity work and gives a big mor­ale boost to our North East work force and the local eco­nomy.”

Tony Bear­croft, MEH Al­li­ance Pro­cure­ment Man­ager said “NNB GenCo is pleased to award this duct­work sup­ply con­tract to KAEFER UK. This con­tract is the cul­min­a­tion of two years’ hard work in se­lect­ing spe­cial­ist duct­work sup­plier(s). The KAEFER UK team ad­op­ted throughout the se­lec­tion pro­cess a col­lab­or­at­ive ap­proach to work­ing with the MEH Al­li­ance and NNB GenCo whilst also demon­strat­ing their ex­tens­ive know­ledge of man­u­fac­tur­ing high in­teg­rity duct­work. We look for­ward to work­ing with KAEFER UK in sup­port­ing the suc­cess­ful de­liv­ery and com­ple­tion of the Hinkley Point “C” Pro­ject over the com­ing years”.

KAEFER UK & Ire­land have a proud his­tory of provid­ing their products and ser­vices to ma­jor pro­jects, hav­ing sup­plied over 52km of steel duct for the two re­cently com­mis­sioned Royal Navy air­craft car­ri­ers. KAEFER have ex­tens­ive ex­per­i­ence with a global port­fo­lio of nuc­lear pro­jects and have a team cur­rently suc­cess­fully de­liv­er­ing ac­cess and pro­tect­ive coat­ing ser­vices on the con­struc­tion site at Hinkley Point “C”.

With the award of this con­tract for the Hinkley Point “C” nuc­lear new build pro­ject KAEFER are pleased to be again play­ing our part in the con­struc­tion of the UK’s Net Zero eco­nomy in which new nuc­lear power plants, such as Hinkley Point “C” and Sizewell “C” will play a vi­tal role.

Chris Foulkes, CEO of KAEFER UK & Ireland

Press con­tacts:

Tre­vor Wood­ward, Dir­ector Busi­ness & Strategy – Trevor.Woodward@kaefer.com
Ju­lia Kas­parek, Mar­ket­ing & Com­mu­nic­a­tion Man­ager – Julia.Kasparek@kaefer.com

KAEFER Lim­ited, Kirk­stone House, St Omers Road, West­ern River­side Route, Gateshead, NE11 9EZ


KAEFER in the UK & Ire­land serves a large and grow­ing range of in­dus­tries with as­set in­teg­rity ser­vices. These ser­vices in­clude ac­cess solu­tions, in­su­la­tion, in­spec­tion & test­ing, pro­tect­ive coat­ings, as­bes­tos man­age­ment, HVAC fab­ric­a­tion and more – gen­er­at­ing an an­nual turnover of c.£250 Mil­lion. The com­pany cur­rently has 8 of­fice loc­a­tions across the UK, em­ploy­ing ap­prox­im­ately 3,000 highly skilled and ex­per­i­enced people. Fur­ther in­form­a­tion can be found at www.KAEFERLtd.co.uk