KAEFER in­stalling in­su­la­tion on new Type 26 global com­bat ships | KAEFER UK & Ireland
KAEFER are de­lighted to be provid­ing the spe­cial­ist in­su­la­tion products and in­stall­a­tion ser­vices for the first three new UK City Class Type 26 Global Com­bat Ships.
KAEFER, KAEFER Group, KAEFER UK & Ireland, KAEFER UK and Ireland, BAE Systems, Type 26, insulation, ship, marine, defence, LEAN, customer value, best practices, industrial services, technical industrial services
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KAEFER in­stalling in­su­la­tion on new Type 26 global com­bat ships

KAEFER in­stalling in­su­la­tion on new Type 26 global com­bat ships

KAEFER are de­lighted to be provid­ing the spe­cial­ist in­su­la­tion products and in­stall­a­tion ser­vices for the first three new UK City Class Type 26 Global Com­bat Ships.

Type 26 Global Combat Ship
Source: BAE Systems

The ships are be­ing built at the Govan and Scot­stoun shipyards by our cli­ent BAE Sys­tems. The in­su­la­tion will be fit­ted in all parts of the ship in­clud­ing the hull, com­part­ments, pip­ing, heat­ing and vent­il­a­tion sys­tems. With the chal­lenge that these ships are ex­pec­ted to be de­ployed and op­er­ate ef­fect­ively in all cli­mates around the world, there are strict in­su­la­tion tech­nical and qual­ity re­quire­ments, en­sur­ing the right ef­fect­ive, ef­fi­cient thermal prop­er­ties on all parts of the ships, at all times.

The con­tract dur­a­tion for the first three ships is ap­prox­im­ately 5 years at a value of c.£21m, with KAEFER in­stalling over 90,000m2 of in­su­la­tion. KAEFER are fully com­mit­ted to a new style NEC4 col­lab­or­at­ive ap­proach, with em­bed­ded staff in the BAE Sys­tems in­teg­rated pro­ject teams. In ad­di­tion, KAEFER will sup­port the suc­cess­ful pro­ject de­liv­ery by im­ple­ment­ing our LEAN Site Man­age­ment and our di­gital pro­ject man­age­ment. Through KAEFER LEAN we en­sure cus­tomer value by as­sur­ing op­er­a­tions ex­cel­lence in safety, qual­ity, sched­ule and cost.

This pro­ject award is great news for the KAEFER Scot­land team and means jobs for the local eco­nomy for many years to come. With a long-term build pro­gramme ahead, KAEFER will de­ploy our tech­nical ex­pert­ise to the pro­ject, along­side our plans to grow our local work­force. The in­su­la­tion pro­gramme will em­ploy c.30-50 people and we are com­mit­ted to in­clude a healthy ra­tio of new ap­pren­tices. Our lead­ers, teams, ap­pren­tices and of­ten our cli­ents, also be­ne­fit from our ex­tens­ive LEAN train­ing and coach­ing. The hands-on ap­proach to im­ple­ment­ing pro­cess im­prove­ments at the work­face, means our KAEFER teams learn trans­fer­rable skills and best prac­tices they can take with them to the next as­sign­ment, or next ship…

KAEFER has over a hun­dred years of his­tory in mar­ine in­su­la­tion and are the largest mar­ine in­dus­trial ser­vices pro­vider in the UK. KAEFER glob­ally op­er­ates in over 30 coun­tries and has ap­prox­im­ately 30,000 em­ploy­ees. We pride ourselves in de­liv­er­ing the highest qual­ity products by shar­ing our broad in­ter­na­tional ex­per­i­ence, best prac­tices and in­nov­a­tions. Our ex­pect­a­tion is that we are the most ef­fi­cient and re­li­able pro­vider of tech­nical in­dus­trial ser­vices and spe­cial­ist products world­wide.