KAEFER re­ceives an­other RoSPA Gold Award for health and safety achieve­ments | KAEFER UK & Ireland
KAEFER is cel­eb­rat­ing again after land­ing an­other in­ter­na­tion­ally re­cog­nised award for demon­strat­ing high health and safety stand­ards.
KAEFER, KAEFER UK & Ireland, KAEFER UK and Ireland, Industrial Services, KAEFER Group, Award, Health & Safety, HSE, Safety Award, Gold Award, RoSPA Gold,
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KAEFER re­ceives an­other RoSPA Gold Award for health and safety achieve­ments

KAEFER re­ceives an­other RoSPA Gold Award for health and safety achieve­ments

KAEFER is cel­eb­rat­ing again after land­ing an­other in­ter­na­tion­ally re­cog­nised award for demon­strat­ing high health and safety stand­ards.

The award fol­lows swiftly on from our KAEFER Sel­lafield team be­ing awar­ded the RoSPA Gold Medal (5 con­sec­ut­ive golds) Award, for Health & Safety per­form­ance in 2020/​21 a mat­ter of weeks ago.

KAEFER Ltd has re­ceived a RoSPA Gold Health and Safety Award for work­ing hard to en­sure its staff across the UK & Ire­land get home safely to their fam­il­ies at the end of every work­ing day.

Or­gan­isa­tions re­ceiv­ing a RoSPA Award are re­cog­nised as be­ing world-lead­ers in health and safety prac­tice. Every year, nearly 2,000 entrants vie to achieve the highest pos­sible ac­col­ade in what is the UK’s longest-run­ning H&S in­dustry awards.

KAEFER UK & Ireland business are absolutely delighted to be recognised for this prestigious award. The RoSPA Gold award is only achievable from a long term commitment and belief within the business that 'everyday everyone goes home safe'. My personal thanks go to every KAEFER employee who has contributed to this award.
Chris Foulkes, CEO for KAEFER UK & Ireland

Ju­lia Small, RoSPA’s achieve­ments dir­ector, said: “The RoSPA Awards scheme is the longest-run­ning of its kind in the UK, but it re­ceives entries from or­gan­isa­tions across the globe, mak­ing it one of the most sought-after achieve­ment awards for health and safety world­wide.

“RoSPA is very proud of the achieve­ments of its entrants, and with this award we re­cog­nise the best of the best, those or­gan­isa­tions that have gone the ex­tra mile, rais­ing the bar for the de­liv­ery of safety in the work­place. Em­ploy­ees, wherever they may be should be able to go to work safe in the know­ledge that they will re­turn home un­harmed and healthy at the end of every day. Our RoSPA Award win­ners are cent­ral to achiev­ing this goal. By en­ter­ing they are driv­ing up stand­ards and set­ting new safety bench­marks for or­gan­isa­tions across the world. Cur­rently, around 7mil­lion people are dir­ectly im­pacted by the RoSPA Awards, but the scheme’s global in­flu­ence is even wider – with nearly 2000 or­gan­isa­tions from 46 coun­tries rep­res­en­ted this year. I would also par­tic­u­larly want to thank our main spon­sor NEBOSH, the Na­tional Ex­am­in­a­tion Board in Oc­cu­pa­tional Safety and Health – for their con­tin­ued sup­port for the 16th con­sec­ut­ive year.”

For more in­form­a­tion about the RoSPA Awards visit www.rospa.com/awards