KAEFER re­ceives third con­sec­ut­ive gold award for 2021 | KAEFER UK & Ireland
KAEFER re­ceived their third con­sec­ut­ive gold per­form­ance award as part of the 21stCen­tury Sup­ply Chains (SC21) Op­er­a­tional Ex­cel­lence (OE) pro­gramme.
KAEFER, KAEFER UK & Ireland, KAEFER UK and Ireland, Industrial Services, KAEFER Group, DEFENCE, Award, sc21, royal navy, dockyard, scaffolding, industrial cleaning
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KAEFER re­ceives third con­sec­ut­ive gold award for 2021

KAEFER re­ceives third con­sec­ut­ive gold award for 2021

KAEFER re­ceived their third con­sec­ut­ive gold per­form­ance award as part of the 21st Cen­tury Sup­ply Chains (SC21) Op­er­a­tional Ex­cel­lence (OE) pro­gramme.

SC21 is a pro­gramme de­signed to ac­cel­er­ate the com­pet­it­ive­ness of the aerospace and de­fence sec­tor by rais­ing the per­form­ance of its sup­ply chains. It is en­dorsed by BEIS, AGP and the MoD and lead­ing UK aerospace and de­fence com­pan­ies.

The SC21 OE ­p­ro­gram­me is co­ordin­ated and gov­erned by ADS, the UK trade as­so­ci­ation for the aerospace, de­fence, se­cur­ity and space sec­tors. SC21 is a vol­un­tary pro­gramme and be­com­ing a par­ti­cipant is free of charge.

KAEFER In­dus­trial Ser­vices UK at Ports­mouth, have been sup­ply­ing in­su­la­tion ser­vices to the Royal Navy Dock­yard since April 2015. Through their at­ti­tude to cus­tomer ser­vice, value and de­liv­ery, the team at Ports­mouth have in­creased the scope of ser­vices sup­plied to in­clude Clean­ing, La­bour Sup­ply and Scaf­fold­ing.

ADS CEO Kevin Craven said:

“SC21 is an im­port­ant pro­gramme that boosts sup­ply chain pro­ductiv­ity and col­lab­or­a­tion across the aerospace and de­fence in­dustry. Only nine or­gan­isa­tions have ob­tained the gold award and KAE­FER’s con­tin­ued com­mit­ment and par­ti­cip­a­tion in SC21 should be strongly ap­plauded.”

We're de­lighted to re­tain our Gold Per­form­ance Stand­ard for the third year. It's test­a­ment to the dis­cip­line and hard work our team have put in at the Ports­mouth site. At KAEFER we strive for sup­ply chain ex­cel­lence and this re­cog­ni­tion award sits per­fectly with our KAEFER Lean ap­proach and mis­sion to be the most re­li­able and ef­fi­cient pro­vider of tech­nical in­dus­trial ser­vices.

Tim Walker, Director for KAEFER UK & Ireland

KAEFER first en­gaged with SC21 in Feb­ru­ary 2016 com­plet­ing ManEx and Bu­sEx as­sess­ments and built CSIP, Bronze Award in Au­gust 2017 and 2018. In Oc­to­ber 2019, KAEFER UK was re­as­sessed in ManEx, Bu­sEx and Re­lEx and re­ceived gold award level.

Look­ing for­ward, KAEFER is com­mit­ted to em­bed­ding and sus­tain­ing Gold Award level in op­er­a­tional and or­gan­iz­a­tional be­ha­viours and per­form­ance. The or­gan­isa­tion is im­ple­ment­ing SC21 across all group RND sites demon­strat­ing how par­ti­cip­a­tion in SC21 has tan­gible value in ac­cel­er­at­ing sup­ply chain com­pet­it­ive­ness and pro­ductiv­ity in the aerospace and de­fence in­dustry.

To achieve the am­bi­tious SC21 OE Gold Award, an or­gan­isa­tion should achieve am­bi­tious per­form­ance and ser­vice tar­gets of more than or equal to 99.90% for Qual­ity and 99.00% for De­liv­ery (On Time In Full). The Qual­ity & De­liv­ery per­form­ance con­sists of 12 con­sec­ut­ive rolling per­form­ance data points rep­res­ent­ing the last 12 months. Each monthly rolling per­form­ance fig­ure is the av­er­age per­form­ance for its pre­ced­ing 12 months, there­fore 23 months of data is re­quired to demon­strate 12 months of rolling per­form­ance data. In ad­di­tion to Q&D the com­pany needs to demon­strate to reach cer­tain Man­u­fac­tur­ing, Busi­ness and Re­la­tion­ship tar­gets. In its pur­suit of the award KAEFER has im­ple­men­ted full trace­ab­il­ity of all ma­ter­i­als and re­sources through a work card sys­tem change. As a res­ult, KAE­FER’s ser­vice qual­ity and de­liv­ery re­mains sig­ni­fic­antly im­proved.

If you’d like to find out more about SC21, please visit the web­sites:

