KAEFER Se­cure Five Ship Deal with Bab­cock to Provide Sur­face Pro­tec­tion Mar­ine Coat­ings for the Type 31 Frig­ate Pro­gramme | KAEFER UK & Ireland
KAEFER UK and Ire­land has se­cured a long-term, £22m con­tract with Bab­cock to provide tech­nical sur­face pro­tec­tion to the Royal Navy's new­est frig­ate, the Type 31.
KAEFER, KAEFER UK & Ireland, KAEFER UK and Ireland, Babcock, Type 31 Frigate Programme, surface protection, marine coatings, ship, ships, technical surface protection, Rosyth, shipbuilding, industrial services, employment, local economy, painters, marine support services, ESG, dockyard, sustainability, innovation,
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KAEFER Se­cure Five Ship Deal with Bab­cock to Provide Sur­face Pro­tec­tion Mar­ine Coat­ings for the Type 31 Frig­ate Pro­gramme

KAEFER Se­cure Five Ship Deal with Bab­cock to Provide Sur­face Pro­tec­tion Mar­ine Coat­ings for the Type 31 Frig­ate Pro­gramme

KAEFER UK and Ire­land has se­cured a long-term, £22m con­tract with Bab­cock to provide tech­nical sur­face pro­tec­tion to the Royal Navy’s new­est frig­ate, the Type 31.

The ship­build­ing pro­gramme which will con­tinue un­til 2028, brings con­tinu­ity of work for KAE­FER’s ex­ist­ing in­dus­trial ser­vices work­force at Bab­cock’s Rosyth fa­cil­it­ies, with new em­ploy­ment op­por­tun­it­ies and prosper­ity for the local eco­nomy.

Image courtesy of Babcock International Group

KAEFER will ap­ply over 510,000m2of spe­cial­ist paint coat­ings, provid­ing skilled jobs for an ad­di­tional 70 paint­ers and sup­port staff. With this work form­ing part of the build pro­gramme, KAE­FER’s ex­pert­ise, highest qual­ity stand­ards and long his­tory of de­liv­er­ing ship sup­port ser­vices safely, on time and on budget, is vi­tal.

Chris Foulkes, KAE­FER’s UK & Ire­land CEO said, “This con­tract fur­ther strengthens and un­der­pins our re­la­tion­ship as a key sup­plier to Bab­cock.  We are proud to de­liver the highest qual­ity mar­ine sup­port ser­vices in sup­port of the world lead­ing Type 31 ship­build­ing pro­gramme.”

“The longev­ity of the Type 31 pro­gramme provides the ideal plat­form for the KAEFER team to de­liver on our ESG ob­ject­ives, con­tinu­ing to sup­port the local com­munity and provid­ing the plat­forms for de­vel­op­ment of people within that com­munity. Only by de­liv­er­ing safe ef­fi­cient op­er­a­tions to our cus­tomer has this con­tract award been pos­sible, I’d like to spe­cific­ally thank our site de­liv­ery teams for ex­cel­lent per­form­ance at Rosyth over the last 25 years gave our cli­ent con­fid­ence KAEFER is the part­ner of choice in this crit­ical UK de­fence pro­gramme.”

Tre­vor Wood­ward, KAEFER UK & Ire­land Busi­ness & Strategy Dir­ector com­men­ted “We are of course de­lighted to se­cure this work for Bab­cock. The Type 31 pro­ject award fol­lows on from our award of the full dock­yard ser­vices at Rosyth earlier this year. This con­tinu­ity of work will give us greater em­ploy­ment op­por­tun­it­ies, mak­ing a real so­cial im­pact on the local eco­nomy and al­lows us to for­ward our wider sus­tain­ab­il­ity and in­nov­a­tion agenda in col­lab­or­a­tion with our cus­tomer. We are proud to be part of Team 31 re-en­er­gising the UK’s mari­time cap­ab­il­ity.”

Alan West­hall, Busi­ness Man­ager said “For both the site team and the local eco­nomy this is a real boost. We already have 70 KAEFER em­ploy­ees at Rosyth for Bab­cock and are de­lighted that this will be sup­ple­men­ted by an ad­di­tional 70 roles.  We’re able to of­fer long term em­ploy­ment for the KAEFER team and a key fo­cus will be on re­cruit­ing ap­pren­tices from the local com­munity, giv­ing the next gen­er­a­tion the chance to learn skills they can use to grow their ca­reers.”

Image courtesy of Babcock International Group

Sean Don­ald­son, Man­aging Dir­ector, Mar­ine  En­gin­eer­ing and Sys­tems, Bab­cock In­ter­na­tional Group said: “The con­tract with KAEFER, to sup­ply the Type 31 pro­gramme, builds upon years of col­lab­or­a­tion between our or­gan­isa­tions. New paint­ing, pro­tec­tion and di­git­il­isa­tion tech­no­logy will be de­ployed within a work­ing ar­range­ment, to de­liver a suc­cess­ful pro­ject for our end cus­tomer, the UK Royal Navy.”

Type 31 will be at the heart of the Royal Navy’s sur­face fleet, de­ter­ring ag­gres­sion and main­tain­ing the se­cur­ity of the UK’s in­terests. They will work along­side the UK’s Al­lies to de­liver a war­ship pres­ence across the globe and en­able a for­ward naval pres­ence.

KAEFER UK & Ire­land is a lead­ing pro­vider of tech­nical in­dus­trial ser­vices, part of the global KAEFER group of com­pan­ies. The KAEFER UK & Ire­land team work on pres­ti­gi­ous pro­jects across the UK and Ire­land in­clud­ing Hinkley Point and the Bel­lana­boy Bridge gas ter­minal, Ire­land.


Press contact

Gem Trainor – Head of Mar­ket­ing & Com­mu­nic­a­tions
+44 7917 118490

KAEFER UK & Ireland
KAEFER in the UK & Ire­land serves a large and grow­ing range of in­dus­tries with as­set in­teg­rity ser­vices. These ser­vices in­clude ac­cess solu­tions, in­su­la­tion, in­spec­tion & test­ing, pro­tect­ive coat­ings, as­bes­tos man­age­ment and more – gen­er­at­ing an an­nual turnover of c.£250 Mil­lion. The com­pany cur­rently has nine op­er­at­ing centres across the UK and Ire­land, em­ploy­ing ap­prox­im­ately 3,000 highly skilled and ex­per­i­enced people. Fur­ther in­form­a­tion can be found at www.KAEFERLtd.co.uk

Bab­cock is an in­ter­na­tional aerospace, de­fence and se­cur­ity com­pany, with a lead­ing naval busi­ness, provid­ing value add ser­vices across a range of coun­tries, in­clud­ing the UK, France, Canada, Aus­tralia and South Africa. We help cus­tom­ers in the UK and around the world to im­prove the cap­ab­il­ity, re­li­ab­il­ity and avail­ab­il­ity of their most crit­ical as­sets.