KAEFER UK & Ire­land are awar­ded Gold mem­ber­ship by The 5% Club | KAEFER UK & Ireland
KAEFER UK & Ire­land is de­lighted to an­nounce that we have been awar­ded gold ac­cred­ited mem­ber­ship via The 5% Club’s 2022-23 Employer Audit Scheme. This award re­cog­nises our sig­ni­fic­ant con­tri­bu­tion to the con­tin­ued de­vel­op­ment of all our Em­ploy­ees through “earn & learn” schemes such as Ap­pren­tice­ships, Gradu­ate Schemes and Sponsored Stu­dents Course Place­ments.
entry level careers, apprentices, apprenticeships, graduates, recruitment, KAEFER, KAEFER UK & Ireland, KAEFER UK and Ireland,
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KAEFER UK & Ire­land are awar­ded Gold mem­ber­ship by The 5% Club

KAEFER UK & Ire­land are awar­ded Gold mem­ber­ship by The 5% Club

KAEFER UK & Ire­land is de­lighted to an­nounce that we have been awar­ded gold ac­cred­ited mem­ber­ship via The 5% Club’s 2022-23 Employer Audit Scheme. This award re­cog­nises our sig­ni­fic­ant con­tri­bu­tion to the con­tin­ued de­vel­op­ment of all our Em­ploy­ees through “earn & learn” schemes such as Ap­pren­tice­ships, Gradu­ate Schemes and Sponsored Stu­dents Course Place­ments.

We are proud of our in­vest­ment in our staff mem­bers, which is why we joined The 5% Club. The 5% Club is a dy­namic move­ment of Em­ploy­ers all of whom are in­spired to take pos­it­ive ac­tion for in­creased, in­clus­ive, and ac­cess­ible work­place train­ing for all. With a mem­ber­ship which now ex­ceeds 750 com­pan­ies, The 5% Club rep­res­ents over 1.6 Mil­lion Em­ploy­ees, 93,500 of whom are in “earn and learn” schemes. The Em­ployer Audit is a unique scheme which val­id­ates the em­ploy­ers’ activ­it­ies, ex­plores their fu­ture plans and com­mit­ments, as well as ex­amin­ing their ap­proaches to qual­ity, so­cial mo­bil­ity, di­versity and in­clu­sion.

From an im­press­ive list of 129 mem­bers, KAEFER was one of the 107 Em­ploy­ers who met the Gold Stand­ard.

Laura Bowes, HR Dir­ector for KAEFER UK & Ire­land said,

We are delighted to have been awarded Gold membership with the 5% Club following our recent audit. KAEFER has had a long-standing commitment to earn and learn opportunities by supporting apprentices, trainees and more recently graduates into the many opportunities we offer. With people as our enabler for growth, our success would not be possible without our KAEFER colleagues who continually support all our apprentices and trainees at the start of their career journey.

Mark Cameron OBE, Chief Ex­ec­ut­ive at The 5% Club said, “Our Em­ployer Audit scheme re­cog­nises the ef­forts of all those Em­ploy­ers who in­vest in their work­force through a broad range of work­place learn­ing schemes. It is fant­astic that in these chal­len­ging times so many are able to com­mit to the Em­ployer Audit and to gain the credit for their ef­forts, and that the ma­jor­ity are striv­ing to ex­pand their schemes over the com­ing years. Their ef­forts and achieve­ments are to be ap­plauded.”

Gill Cronin, Dir­ector of Op­er­a­tions at The 5% Club ad­ded: “Hav­ing seen The Club grow to more than 750 mem­bers, I am al­ways im­pressed at the com­mit­ment, drive and en­ergy our mem­bers chan­nel into of­fer­ing “earn and learn” skills op­por­tun­it­ies. To now see so many of these mem­bers gain Bronze, Sil­ver and Gold ac­cred­ited mem­ber­ship of The Club is in­spir­ing and demon­strates how these com­pan­ies are all con­trib­ut­ing to the fu­ture of skills in our eco­nomy.”