KAEFER UK & Ireland Offers 50 New Apprentice Positions | KAEFER UK & Ireland
KAEFER UK & Ire­land is proud to an­nounce 50 new ap­pren­tice­ship op­por­tun­it­ies to sup­port the grow­ing needs of the in­dus­trial ser­vices in­dustry, co­in­cid­ing with the start of Na­tional Ap­pren­tice Week 2023. The theme for this year's event is "Skills for Life," and KAEFER is com­mit­ted to equip­ping the in­dustry with the tools to suc­ceed for years to come.
Apprenticeships, apprentice, recruitment, entry level careers, careers, KAEFER, KAEFER UK & Ireland, KAEFER UK and Ireland, industrial services, skills for life,
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KAEFER UK & Ireland Offers 50 New Apprentice Positions

KAEFER UK & Ireland Offers 50 New Apprentice Positions

KAEFER UK & Ire­land is proud to an­nounce 50 new ap­pren­tice­ship op­por­tun­it­ies to sup­port the grow­ing needs of the in­dus­trial ser­vices in­dustry, co­in­cid­ing with the start of Na­tional Ap­pren­tice Week 2023. The theme for this year’s event is “Skills for Life,” and KAEFER is com­mit­ted to equip­ping the in­dustry with the tools to suc­ceed for years to come.

Dur­ing 2022 KAEFER ex­ceeded its Na­tional Ap­pren­tice Week tar­get to bring 40 Ap­pren­tice po­s­i­tions into the or­gan­isa­tion, clos­ing the year with 48 ap­pren­tices on­boarded as well as an ad­di­tional 13 train­ees. In Novem­ber 2022, KAEFER UK & Ire­land re­ceived Gold mem­ber­ship from The 5% Club’s 2022-23 Em­ployer Audit Scheme, re­cog­niz­ing its sig­ni­fic­ant con­tri­bu­tion to the de­vel­op­ment of em­ploy­ees through “earn & learn” schemes, in­clud­ing ap­pren­tice­ships, gradu­ate pro­grams, and sponsored stu­dent course place­ments.

We are thrilled to be able to offer 50 new apprenticeship positions during National Apprentice Week, as well as confirming our ongoing commitment to maintaining a 5% workforce in earn and learn opportunities. Our success would not be possible without our dedicated KAEFER colleagues though, our teams continuously support our apprentices and trainees at the start of their career journey and for that we’re very grateful.

Laura Bowes, HR Director

The 50 new ap­pren­tice po­s­i­tions will cover a range of KAEFER dis­cip­lines and po­ten­tial ap­plic­ants can re­gister in­terest at jobs.kaeferltd.co.uk. KAEFER UK & Ire­land is proud of its in­vest­ment in its staff mem­bers and is a proud mem­ber of The 5% Club, a dy­namic move­ment of em­ploy­ers com­mit­ted to in­creased, in­clus­ive, and ac­cess­ible work­place train­ing for all.