KAE­FER's first UK-based LEAN train­ing work­shop | KAEFER UK & Ireland
Simply put, LEAN means cre­at­ing more value for our cli­ents as well as for our teams. This is achieved by gen­er­at­ing as close to zero waste as pos­sible by op­tim­ising pro­cesses and con­tinu­ously im­prov­ing them.
Lean, Lean training, Lean working, industrial services, insulation, scaffolding, coating, KAEFER, KAEFER UK & Ireland, KAEFER UK and Ireland, waste, TAKT
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KAE­FER’s first UK-based LEAN train­ing work­shop

KAE­FER’s first UK-based LEAN train­ing work­shop

Simply put, LEAN means cre­at­ing more value for our cli­ents as well as for our teams. This is achieved by gen­er­at­ing as close to zero waste as pos­sible by op­tim­ising pro­cesses and con­tinu­ously im­prov­ing them.

Last week, a group of 15 KAEFER UK & Ire­land col­leagues par­ti­cip­ated in our first UK-based LEAN classroom train­ing work­shop, cov­er­ing a host of LEAN philo­sophies and tools.

“The three-day work­shop has pre­vi­ously only been de­livered at our global KAEFER headquar­ters in Bre­men, but we’re really ramp­ing up our LEAN im­ple­ment­a­tion in the UK & Ire­land now,” ex­plained Oliver Morar, Senior LEAN Lead at KAEFER UK & Ire­land. “The train­ing is usu­ally our em­ploy­ees’ first ex­per­i­ence of LEAN and al­lows them to gain an un­der­stand­ing of the the­ory and prin­ciples be­fore ap­ply­ing them prac­tic­ally.

”The at­tendees suc­cess­fully im­ple­men­ted the skills they learned on a pro­ject sim­u­la­tion of a pipeline re-in­su­la­tion, in­clud­ing scaf­fold­ing, in­su­la­tion and coat­ing.

Billy Gauld took part in the event and said,

The training offered an excellent opportunity to focus on learning new LEAN Principles by adding to what I`ve already learned during my first two years with KAEFER, specifically how effective TAKT can be when implemented to a project, demonstrated during the live simulation training.