RoSPA Gold Medal Award for KAEFER in Sel­lafield | KAEFER UK & Ireland
We are de­lighted that KAEFER Sel­lafield has been awar­ded the RoSPA Gold Medal (5 con­sec­ut­ive Golds) Award for their Health & Safety per­form­ance dur­ing 2020/​21.
KAEFER, KAEFER UK & Ireland, KAEFER UK and Ireland, Industrial Services, KAEFER Group, Sellafield, Nuclear, Award, RoSPA award, Rospa gold
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RoSPA Gold Medal Award for KAEFER in Sel­lafield

RoSPA Gold Medal Award for KAEFER in Sel­lafield

We are de­lighted that KAEFER Sel­lafield has been awar­ded the RoSPA Gold Medal (5 con­sec­ut­ive Golds) Award for their Health & Safety per­form­ance dur­ing 2020/​21.

“This is an ex­cep­tional achieve­ment for the KAEFER Sel­lafield Team – from the ini­tial Sil­ver Award at first at­tempt back in 2016, to get con­sec­ut­ive Gold Awards cul­min­at­ing in Gold Medal status in 2021! It is test­a­ment to the ef­forts and com­mit­ment by all our col­leagues to put safety first and make sure that every­one goes home safe.” said Dar­ren New, Gen­eral Man­ager for KAEFER at Sel­lafield.

For KAEFER, health and safety is our top pri­or­ity. It is a team ef­fort, and we are grate­ful for the pas­sion­ate com­mit­ment to health and safety of our KAEFER fam­ily throughout the UK and Ire­land.

Universal congratulations from all of the leadership team, the fact we keep striving to get better sets us apart.

Paul Hoyle, KAEFER Operations Director

About the award

It is one of the most pres­ti­gi­ous and re­cog­nised schemes in the world, with al­most 2000 entries every year and a reach of over 7 mil­lion em­ploy­ees.

Es­tab­lished in 1956, The RoSPA Health & Safety Awards of­fer or­gan­isa­tions a prime op­por­tun­ity to bench­mark safety per­form­ance year on year and en­sure con­sist­ent per­form­ance between sites. They also provide an ef­fect­ive route to demon­strate an on­go­ing com­mit­ment to rais­ing health and safety stand­ards.

If you’d like to find out more about RoSPA, please visit the web­sites: