Scaf­fold the World | KAEFER UK & Ireland
17 stu­dents from Cope­land and Al­ler­dale in Cum­bria took part in a three-day vir­tual work ex­per­i­ence with KAEFER em­ploy­ees last week.
KAEFER, KAEFER UK & Ireland, KAEFER UK and Ireland, Industrial Services, work experience, ESG, sustainability, west cumbria, sellafield, socio economics,
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Scaf­fold the World

Scaf­fold the World

Vir­tual Work Ex­per­i­ence for stu­dents in Cum­bria

17 stu­dents from Cope­land and Al­ler­dale in Cum­bria took part in a three-day vir­tual work ex­per­i­ence with KAEFER em­ploy­ees last week.

The stu­dents, all aged between 15 and 17, joined on­line work­shops to run through the steps of a pro­ject in small groups to gain an in­sight into all as­pects of a pro­ject, from tender through to com­ple­tion.

Dur­ing ses­sions on plan­ning, health and safety, hu­man re­sources, so­cial im­pact and com­mer­cial skills stu­dents had the op­por­tun­ity to speak to a range of KAEFER em­ploy­ees, in­clud­ing senior man­age­ment, ap­pren­tices and train­ees—16 in total from the KAEFER fam­ily. A ses­sion was also de­livered by Di­anne Richard­son, CEO – Bri­tain’s En­ergy Coast Busi­ness Cluster.

The stu­dents cer­tainly stepped up to the chal­lenge and gave the judges a dif­fi­cult task in award­ing the tender,

Eliza­beth Atkin­son, So­cial Im­pact Man­ager at Sel­lafield for KAEFER

Dur­ing the pro­gramme stu­dents were given the chance to ex­plore ca­reers in the con­struc­tion and in­dus­trial ser­vices in­dustry be­fore present­ing back in groups to the co­hort. They were given a tricky task to sta­bil­ise and en­case the world in scaf­fold­ing whilst tak­ing into ac­count cost, en­vir­on­ment is­sue and health and safety, as well as come up with a long-term so­cial value ini­ti­at­ive: we had some great cre­at­ive entries for both ele­ments. Our pro­gramme was de­signed to give stu­dents an in­sight into our in­dustry, demon­strat­ing the vari­ety and di­versity of op­por­tun­it­ies and we hope many of the at­tendees will think of a ca­reer in in­dus­trial ser­vices in the fu­ture.