Our new e-bro­chure: KAEFER at a Glance | KAEFER UK & Ireland
To celebrate KAEFER Limited and Wood Group Industrial Services legally merging we are launching a new e-brochure 'KAEFER at a glance'
KAEFER, KAEFER UK & Ireland, KAEFER UK and Ireland, Wood Group, Industrial Services
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Our new e-bro­chure: KAEFER at a Glance

Our new e-bro­chure: KAEFER at a Glance

We are pleased to an­nounce that KAEFER Lim­ited & Wood Group In­dus­trial Ser­vices (WGIS) leg­ally merged on 31st Au­gust and we will now op­er­ate as KAEFER Lim­ited across the UK & Ire­land.

To cel­eb­rate we are launch­ing our new e-bro­chure ‘KAE­FER at a Glance’, pro­mot­ing our full cap­ab­il­ity as one KAEFER fam­ily.

We hope you like it!

KAEFER at a glance brochure