Mental Health Awareness Week | KAEFER UK & Ireland
KAEFER UK & Ireland were awarded the Group Collaboration award for 2022, recognising a key digitalisation project for the organisation.
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Mental Health Awareness Week 2023

Mental Health Awareness Week 2023

This Mental Health Awareness Week we’re delighted to announce that KAEFER UK & Ireland has joined Mates in Mind, a registered charity that provides a framework to raise awareness and address the stigma of poor mental health.

Mental Health Awareness Week from the Mental Health Foundation is an ideal time for us all to think about mental health, tackle stigma, and find out how we can create a society that prevents mental health problems from developing and protects our mental well-being.

The Mates in Mind charity, established in 2016 by the Health in Construction Leadership Group (HCLG), with the support of the British Safety Council,  exists to improve the mental health and wellbeing of workplaces across the UK.

The charity provides KAEFER UK & Ireland with clear information on support and guidance available to our employees, as well as what we can do to address and improve mental wellbeing across our business.

Although many of us will experience stress, depression or anxiety at some point in our lives, we may often be afraid to talk about it or to seek help. According to the Mental Health at Work 2018 Summary Report, 3 out of 5 employees experience mental health issues because of work. Furthermore, 68% of managers still believe there are barriers to providing support for the mental wellbeing of those they manage.

By becoming a Supporter of Mates in Mind, we are joining an ever-growing community of organisations who are taking action. This is our commitment to improving the health and wellbeing of our workforce. Mates in Mind will help us to take an important step towards breaking the silence and stigma that can surround mental health.

In addition to our employee assistance programme Mates in Mind also offer a text support service called BeAMate, here trained volunteers can help with issues including anxiety, stress, loneliness, or depression and are available 24/7.

Our site-based Mental Health Champions are available should employees require support while at work.

For MHAW2023, we asked the team to share some tips on how to take care of their mental health and how they cope with feelings of anxiety. You can view all of their tips by clicking the button below.